#eduinnovation – NuVu, The Innovation School

mit Saba Ghole and Karen Sutton
(offizieller Beitrag für swissuniversities)

What should our kids learn to create their future? The founders of NuVu, a full-time school for middle and high school students, belief it is about hands-on problem-solving with the power of creativity. NuVu is based on the architectural design Studio model and features four multidisciplinary studios. The mentored studios approach complex, comprehensive challenges as e.g. Future of Global Warming and run for two weeks. In an iterative design processes the students develop multiple solutions and learn the importance of moving from one solution to the next, combining, exploring and thinking of the possibilities. En passant they acquire skills like programming, designing or 3d printing and document their learning process online.

With having no courses but studios, no subjects but multidisciplinary projects, no classrooms with one-hour schedule but open spaces and no grades but portfolios, NuVu definitely offers an innovative learning environment and attracts curious learners that will co-create the future.


Interessant für die ZHdK:
Bewertungskriterium MOOC, Campus Organisation, Competency Based Learning

Dieser Beitrag entstand im Rahmen der Education Innovation Tour 2016.